Success Stories from my October Group!

170 Awesome Testimonials and Counting!
“David – Thank you for this opportunity to write about my experience taking your course and passing the California Supplemental Exam.
I am thankful that I was able to purchase “the whole enchilada” and take your review course this past July. I found your study materials thorough, highly detailed yet simplified enough to digest all the pertinent information to pass the exam. I highly recommend this course to anyone considering their study options. In my experience taking your review course and following your suggestion to review the study material in advance (I bought the whole enchilada) made a huge difference. In fact I would listen to your audio companion during my daily routine in addition to reading the review guide and references ad nauseam.
I would have to say the guacamole on the whole enchilada was taking your practice exams in the days leading up to the CSE. Specifically your pool of questions were phrased in a very poignant manner, reflecting the format of the actual exam, which causes more critical thinking and awareness to read each word in the question thoroughly. As an academic I have joked with you about “making the switch” to teaching but I think you’ve found your niche! CSE Prep worked for me (as I hold my pass letter in my hand). Many thanks to you for all your hard work and making yourself available to answer all of my questions.”
– Vaughn Horn, Alabama
“David, My dream to successful complete the CSE has finally been realized thanks to purchasing your 2012 Ultimate Whole Enchilada. I took the CSE Exam on July 23, 2010 and once I receive my license number in a couple weeks I can finally call myself a California Licensed Architect. Last year I purchased your 2011 Whole Enchilada study program to prepare for the CSE and scored within 3% points of passing. When you offered this update version I was a little skeptical there would be enough value to purchase your updated version. In the past I purchased close to every CSE study material program out there and nothing comes close to what you offer. I decided to go ahead purchase the your 2012 Ultimate Whole Enchilada and once I received all the updated material I was blown away how much additional information you included. I was scheduled to take the CSE exam within a month after receiving your material and decided to extend my study period for an additional month due to the volume of information to review and comprehend. Although I had taken the CSE a few times before, my confidence to pass was never higher than when I received your 2012 Ultimate Whole Enchilada. This program is so comprehensive the only thing required to pass the CSE is to make sure time is allocated everyday for “ALL” the material offered and repeat any material that is not clear until it becomes clear no matter how many times it takes!” Well all I can say is thank you for the dedication and diligent effort to prepare the 2012 Ultimate Whole Enchilada in addition to the podcasts and forum.
– Rick Hallenbeck, Orange, California
“Hi David, earlier this week I took California Supplemental Exam and I PASSED it!!!! YEAHHHHHHH!!!! I can’t explain how happy and excited I was when PSI people told me good news. I would like to thank you so much on your help and support with the material. I think that was one the crucial parts and pieces in my success. I think the whole enchilada is very helpful and useful but I would especially like to point out OMCES, Project Scenarios and recorded material about AIA B102, B201 and A102. OMCES exams and Project Scenarios helped me to put me into exam mode and examine my whole knowledge and AIA contract materials contains so many good and useful information. I listened AIA contract material over and over again in my car. I think I memorized every single information from there. I totally agree with you that listening and reading all materials over and over again is one of the keys with CSE exam! Thank you very much! Your help was definitely enormous. I wish you all the best in your personal and professional life!”
– Srdan Kovacevic, Sherman Oaks, California
“David, I passed the exam! I didn’t know how to react when my wife called this morning to tell me the good news. I couldn’t believe it was true, so I asked her if the “green form” was inside the envelope. She said yes! Thank you so much for all your help! The ultimate whole enchilada, the seminar, the mastermind forum, OMCES are SO invaluable! You have created amazing products.Thanks again.”
– Kevin Tsai, Los Angeles, California
“Hi David, I passed the CSE on Monday, and I had to write you to thank you for all your help!! I definitely could not have passed without MasterMind and your Whole Enchilada. Everything you said on the coaching calls and podcasts were seared into my mind. I didn’t know what I would have done without OMCES. Nothing could have prepared me better to understand the questions on the exam, and be able to navigate through the options as well. You’re right, it takes wisdom to pass this exam. This required judgment, and your approach to the exam preparation definitely helped me focus on ‘why’ and ‘how’ not just ‘what.’ THANK YOU SOOOOOOO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You make dreams come true.”
– Caroline Nassif, San Francisco, California
“What’s great about David’s study materials is that it has many different layers and methods to explain the all necessary contents so I didn’t have to force myself to memorize the things. It made me to be able to look at the each subject from different angles through the study guide, audio companion, flash card, and online exam simulator, and naturally sunk in cross referencing each other. It is one of the best and most thorough CSE study material out there I know and I strongly recommend anybody wants to success on the exam. Thank you David!”
– Sangdo Lim, South Pasadena, California
“The 2015 Ultimate Whole Enchilada was key to me passing the CSE. I highly recommend CSE candidates include this study material in their test preparation process. Access to all additional reference materials is included and their importance covered within the study guide. Understanding the terms, processes and agency reviews in California is fundamental to passing the CSE and the Ultimate Whole Enchilada outlines this information clearly.” – Josh Lewis, Morrisville, North Carolina
“David, I took it (finally) yesterday and…..PASSED!! I did feel I was well prepared, and for that I really bow down to you David for having the vision, the organizational skills, and the wherewithal to put together the wonderful package you call the “The Ultimate Enchilada”. You really were a lifesaver with all the amounts of information, pdcasts, videos, audio tutorials….I simply do not know how I could have done it otherwise, while still trying to run my own practice. I am truly grateful for the work you have put out there and again I thank you for your encouragement, your support and your general positive attitude……I wish you all the success with others and you are providing a very valuable service to the profession. Take care David.”
– Marwan Al-Sayed, Phoenix, Arizona
“David, I took the exam in April and got the results today. Thanks to your Ultimate Enchilada and OMCES, I passed, first time! It wasn’t just the study guide I found helpful, it was the continuous email stream of reminders, information updates & encouragement. Thank you again for putting together this wonderful study guide and providing such a great service.”
– Mike Smith, Chesapeake, Virgina
“I am so thankful for the Whole Enchilada study material. I know that there is no way I could have passed without all the resources in the package. Having the different media available to study allowed me to fit it in with life perfectly. I loved that I could open the PDFs on my iPad and study on the go!
I can’t recommend David’s material more. It is comprehensive and simple to follow. Thanks so much!!!!!”
– Tammy Bua, Thousand Oaks, California
“Hi David, I just want to let you know that I passed the exam! I took the exam on May 24th and wasn’t expecting the result so soon, but it’s official! The “Ultimate Whole Enchilada” is in my experience (this is my third try, the previous two were in the oral format) the BEST materials, the most CONCISE and the ONLY study guide needed. I really thank you for helping me get a good grasp of the knowledge required to pass the exam. Although I went through each of the study material only once, but that was already sufficient for me to understand and retain the key issues to getting licensed in California. I will most likely use your study guide as a quick reference as I start my new practice!”
– Grace Cheung, Los Angeles, California
“Dear David, Thank you so much for your help!! I’m so glad to say that my last and final attempt to pass The Exam was successful!!! I’m sure that it became possible only with your extremely helpful tools – combination of knowledge statements, project scenarios and on-line exam simulation and as David says: “repetition, repetitio, repetition. Thanks again, David!”
– Yuri Bubnov, San Francisco, California
“Hi David, I wanted to let you know how helpful your CSE preparation materials were. I recently received my pass letter after a long wait. I exclusively studied the Ultimate Whole Enchilada and felt completely prepared and confident for the exam. Your study materials are far superior to the Kaplan books I used for the ARE. I listened to your audio companion twice and took every multiple choice practice exam. The practice exams were really helpful in preparing for the types of questions that were on the exam. Thanks for your hard work in preparing the materials! “
– Marco Marraccini, Los Angeles, California
“Hi David, just wanted to let you know that I took the CSE last week for the first time and I passed!! Thank you SO much for putting together such a comprehensive set of study materials! My plan of attack on the CSE seemed to work well for me so I thought it might be useful to someone else as well. I purchased the Ultimate Whole Enchilada and began studying about three months prior to taking the exam. I went through all the materials twice and made my own notes, and the links to websites in the study guide were very useful for supplemental information. I also listened to the audio files and podcasts multiple times, and this really helped to reinforce the information from the study guide and flashcards. Thirty days prior to taking the CSE I began taking the Omces exams online, making notes of areas that I needed to go back and study in more depth. I continued taking the various Omces exams until I was consistently getting 97-98% of the questions correct, and I think this is what really gave me the most confidence going into the exam. In all I felt very well prepared for the exam and even more importantly I feel I have gained valuable knowledge which will help me in my career. Thank you very much for all the hard work you’ve put into this, and best wishes to you! “
– Jody Blaylock, Tucson, Arizona
“David, I took the test today and passed. I cannot believe it but its taking time to sink in. I have been studying for the past 3-4 months with more concentrated and extra effort in the last 2 months. Your study material, your insights and your guidance has been truly invaluable and its been a pleasure to get to know you. I have hated the ARE’s and went into the CSE with the same attitude. Your teaching, podcast, study material has changed my thinking. The way you teach and the clear way of explaining things is great. You are a True Teacher at Heart and that reflects in your work. When I started this journey, I was overwhelmed about where to begin, how to start and lacked direction. Your Whole Enchilada has provided the direction. You have been a calming influence and hearing your voice over and over has gotten me used to it. I feel like I know you and will make it a point someday to meet you to thank you personally. Thank you very much for your efforts and keep up the good work!”
– Nikhil Kamat, Los Angeles, California
David, Thanks for putting together this collection of material. The whole enchilada is the only study guide I used and was able to pass the test on my first attempt. I realize the amount of work and thought that went into creating this guide and truly appreciate your efforts.”
– Gregory Drewes, New Orleans, Louisiana
“David- Such a relief to pass the CSE on the first try! The audio companion was perfect for commuting on Bart and the exam simulator was perfect for my last few days of studying. I highly recommend David’s study material.”
– Julie Heinzler, San Francisco, California
“Hi David, Thank-you for your excellent preparation materials for the CSE. I purchased your “whole enchilada” and I am so happy to say it seems to have covered it all — I passed!
Thanks again – the online tests and flashcards were great.”
– Camille Armen, Calabasas, California
“Hello David, I passed! Thank you for putting together the “Whole Enchilada”. It was the only study material that I used and obviously invaluable in prepping for the exam. Thanks again!”
– Tom Obayashi, Los Angeles, California
“David – Just wanted to let you know that I passed the CSE last Tuesday with your help. I enjoyed your program and would recommend it to anyone heading into preparation for the exam. I have been an Architect for 22 years in multiple states but always wanted to be licensed in CA. I only had 3 weeks to prepare for the exam and with your program was able to pass. Thanks again!”
– Brad Williams, Lansing, Michigan
“Hello David! Just wanted to take a quick minute to say a great big THANKS!. As you have probably guessed I took and passed the CSE today, I was not aware of the instant results, so that caught me off guard, glad it was good news! Your study guides and audio commentary were amazing. It covered a lot of the test material and really helped put a lot of the material into context. Thanks again!”
– Colin Thompson, Los Angeles, California
“Hi David. I took the CSE yesterday… and passed! Thank you for the excellent study materials. I had purchased the Ultimate Whole Enchilada and used: the study guide, the audio companion, 125 questions, project scenarios, and OMCES. The guide is well written and organized. OMCES and project scenario were absolutely critical in getting my brain shaped up for test-taking strategies. I will definitely recommend the package to friends.”
– David Takacs, Los Angeles, California
“David, I wanted to let you know that I passed the CSE this past Friday. I would like to thank you for your study materials and guidance while undergoing this process. I listened to the audio files at least a couple times each and some multiple times. This included the individual KS files, the four newer ones grouped by category and AIA doc commentaries. I believe that being able to utilize the audio format on a daily basis allowed me to maximize my study time while commuting to/from work, driving in the car, working out, etc. and kept me thinking about the KS content even on days when I accomplished little to no other review time. I also used the OMCES practice exams in the final month and especially week proceeding. OMCES helped provide repetition of key information and correlating facts in my head. I will certainly continue to recommend your seminar and study package to colleagues as I thought your materials provided me with a reliable, solid resource to use while preparing for the exam.”
– Antonia Bowman, Los Angeles, California
“Thanks a million! I passed on the first try after studying with your materials for about 2 months. Your material is great, I couldn’t have passed without it. What a great service to the profession you offer.”
– Ken Parel-Sewell, Louisville, Kentucky
“Hi David, the Ultimate Whole Enchilada was great for studying the exam. All the information I needed was consolidated in one guide and it made the process so much easier had I tried to compile the information myself. Thanks for all your hard work putting the guide together.”
– Terri Moore, Los Angeles, California
“Thanks David, I’ve been listening to the podcasts and they have been really helpful, and the OMCES was great – just got a “pass”!!!”
– Trent Niemand, Playa del Rey, California
“Hi David, after 17 days of major brain damage and little sleep, and I was able to pass the test yesterday. (1st try) Thanks for all of the time and effort you put into the study materials, would not have passed without them.”
– Keith Kelly, Steamboat Springs, Colorada
“I took the exam yesterday and passed! I am of course thrilled. I’m really glad that I gave myself that one extra week. I felt much more confident and it allowed a lot of the information to sink in. I’ve already thanked you on the ARE and your forum, but wanted to take the opportunity yet again to tell you how very grateful I am to you for answering my emails and providing everything that I needed to pass. When I first started out a year ago, your new package wasn’t out yet, so I ended up supplementing it with some other materials. If I were to recommend study materials to anyone today, I would tell them to just stick with your study materials. With your new flash cards, the additional info that you added in the study guide, etc., it is really all that one would need. I only regret that I didn’t get ahold of the new improved Enchilada sooner. Thanks again for being a part of this amazing journey to licensure! As I wrote on the CSE forum, your voice will forever be in my head. (I think that’s a good thing.)”
– Michelle Lang, Goleta, California
“David – First things first: I passed!!! I took about three months to study, starting with gathering materials for the first couple of weeks, then started reading study guides and listening to your podcasts – over and over again …. great way to really have individual things sink in and making good use of all the time sitting in traffic or driving. Getting closer to exam date I started working with your online exam simulator – GREAT, great tool! I can only encourage everyone to check out your website and see how to get access. It definitely helped me point out the areas that I was not firm on yet and also sharpened the mind again on having to carefully read questions to extract what is the actual question. Thanks for putting your materials/website/podcast/exam simulator out there. Sure helped me a lot!”
-Lisl, San Francisco
“David, Thank you for all of your efforts… I received the pass letter! Without your enthusiasm, encouragement, and just natural willingness to want to help candidates, I don’t know how I would have been able to tackle those complicated, deeply rooted questions. Great job, and I commend you for putting together top notch study material.”
– Gilbert Bareng, Porterville, California
“Hi David-I received my letter from CAB this past weekend that I had passed the exam. I am a registered architect in other jurisdictions and this was a reciprocity situation. I had not passed the first time as I used someone elses study material that did not properly prepare me for how the exam was set up. I wanted to let you know that I was much more comfortable the 2nd time after using your study materials. Thanks for taking the time to produce those study materials. Having the audio was also very helpful as it allowed me to continually study while handling other tasks. Take Care and Thanks Again.”
– Richard Lavelle, AIA, PSP , Burnsville, Minnesota
“Hi David – I would like to thank you for your excellent Enchiladas! Your “the whole Enchiladas” was pretty much the only study material that I used and passed CSE. I carried around the audio companion everywhere I went while studying, and that was very helpful. And that you were very responsive to all my questions, and I thank you for that. It took nearly 4 months to get the result, but I feel great to get it done finally. Thanks again for your excellent Enchiladas!”
– Takeshi Hosokawa
“Hey David, Wanted to let you know that I received my results in the mail a few days ago, and I passed! Your class and study materials really helped me to read, understand, and answer each question correctly. Thanks again for all your help and guidance!”
– Jenny Duck
“David: Thanks for the continued messages and encouragement. I am glad to report that I passed the exam ON THE FIRST ATTEMPT! Most of the credit goes to your prep materials and how easy they were to use right up to the moment I walked into the test venue. Thanks for all of the help! I cannot thank you enough for all of the time and effort put into preparing the CAB CSE Prep materials. I signed on for the “Ultimate Whole Enchilada” and passed on the first attempt. I did use a couple of other prepared materials, but none were as helpful as yours. The format was well organized and clear, allowing me to study as much or as little as I wanted. The format also allow me to study right up to the point of walking into the exam venue. Thank you very much for the setup to success!”
– Bobby Patterson, Clemmons, North Carolina
“Hi David, I am happy to inform you that I have passed the CSE and am eagerly looking forward to my actual license so I can freely call myself an Architect! The study material you gave me was the one and only resource I used and I am very grateful for your time, guidance and timely support through this maddening journey. Again thanks SOOOOOOOO much!! You remain the bestestest friend a CSE candidate can have. Soon I shall update my profile to say Architect!! Yipppppeeeeeee! Cant wait … :)”
– Akanksha Pande, San Francisco, California
“David, I wanted to write to say thank you for all your great materials! I managed to pass on the first try! I’ve enjoyed listening to your audio material much more than I thought I would. And I’m glad to hear that others continue to listen to your podcasts even after they pass their tests, as already I’m in that category! I’m still getting caught up to the current episode, and plan to listen through your other podcasts as well. I feel like studying for the CSE has been so much more rewarding than studying for the AREs. It seems like such practical knowledge, and makes me feel proud to live in California. I am pretty sure in no small way contributed to your podcasts, which are always interjected with your personal experiences. I’m excited to listen to your other podcasts, which I hope continue to educate me about practicing in California and small business ownership!”
– Heather Wescott, San Francisco, California
“After several tries I finally passed….. thanks David, you the man. You gave me hope when I needed it most. I took the seminar and purchased the whole enchilada. The online exam simulator was the key. I also took 3 weeks off work with no pay to study and focus…. Repetition, repetition and more repetition. When you think you are ready and you cant study anymore postpone the exam one more week and get back to study. For everyone out there who has taken the exam and has not passed, keep working and don’t give up. Hard work will pay off, get a good 2 or 3 weeks off if you can, David’s pod-casts also helped on my 3hr commute every day…. just don’t give up, the test is human not a machine. It is beatable : )”
– Dradac, ARE Forum
“David Doucette and his CSE prep materials played a huge part in helping me pass the California Supplemental Exam. Anyone serious about passing the exam on the first try better connect with him. I took the exam on 8/31 just under the 2010 CBC change over and went into the exam very confident after testing 98% on David’s mock exams. Over one month later, (Today) I received my pass notice from CAB! I highly recommend David’s materials. I studied the Architect’s handbook before reading David’s material then read his handbook several times while listening to the audio companion. I was traveling through South America while listening to the audio companion and really felt it was key to passing since the audio really dialed me into the information. Thanks again David!”
– Alloi, ARE Forum
“It’s been a long journey, but I finally reached the promise land. As many of you know, words can’t describe the feeling once you pass the last test. It took me three attempts at the CSE, but i finally passed it. On my second attempt, i missed it by one point – so close, but so far away. I want to give a big thanks to David Doucette – you by far are the best resource to help us prepare for the CSE! Good luck to you and with your future endeavors – I will continue to enjoy your podcasts!”
– Dragonfly 51, ARE Forum
“Passed on my 2nd attempt (failed back in March). Last time, I studied a plethora of materials collected from other people in my office. And I failed by 2 points. I felt the materials were too vast, and lacked structure. This time, I mainly used all the available resources from Doucette. The most helpful being the audio companion and exam simulator. I also read through pertinent chapters from the hand book of professional practice to get a bit more context. It’s a great feeling to have finally passed this. I really want to thank David Doucette, for putting out a good collection of study materials and answering our paniced emails within hours. He really does want us to succeed and many of us on the Forum clearly benefited from it.”
– HouseCat, ARE Forum
“I got my PASS letter today. Took the exam on Dec. 1st. I felt pretty good coming out of the exam, but you never can be certain. The key for me was to really focus on each question, even thru the blurry eyes and lack of sleep. I used exclusively David Doucette’s material: audio companion, study guide and seminar, and visited all the links in the study guide a couple times. Had little time with OMCES but its likely worth the effort if you have the time. I really appreciate his material and his enthusiasm, especially because life with 2 young kids and a busy work schedule limited my study time. I listened to the audio companion often, while on the move. This has been a long long road and I am so happy and grateful to finally make it thru!! I’ve designed and built many projects over the years but this really brings it home for me.”
– Skeels, ARE Forum
“Just received my letter from the board and it’s a PAAASSS. I want to give a big thanks to David Doucette for his wonderful study material and his seminar. I truly recommend it. He makes the immense amount of study material easy to digest. As he mentions in his audio, Repetition, Repetition is key to success!”
– Shades, ARE Forum
“I used David’s whole enchilada and I ride my bike to work everyday and had David’s audio companion on repeat for 2 months. I think that really helped. I also used the exam simulator but didn’t have time to use it that much. If I had to study for this thing again I would spend more time with the exam simulator. Thanks David for the study material, couldn’t have done it without you.”
– Zmiles, ARE Forum
“I feel lucky to report a pass. I couldn’t have done it without this forum, and all of the information I received in here. I have special thanks to Dave for his remarkable study material and the admirable energy he spends in improving his martial and ultimately helping the candidates. I prepared for about 6 months and read a lot of material, but I would say Dave’s seminar pushed me through the finish line. It showed me how to read each question. Dave, you rock.”
– Blue, ARE Forum
“Dave, Your study package played a big part in enabling me to pass the new CAB exam first time early last year. Feel free to quote me as a reference to anyone else seeking to take the CAB exam. Many thanks!”
– Mark Williams, Newport Beach, California
“Thank you so much for the great material and information you have compiled. Your study guides and podcast were no doubt a crucial part of my preparation for passing the CSE which after two tries I finally accomplished.”
– Carlos Valenzuela, California
“David, I know you are busy but I just wanted to thank you for what you do. I took the test for the first time about 8 months ago. I had purchased your some of your materials but did not devote much time to studying. I prepared much like I had for the AREs, thinking that it would be enough. After receiving the failure notice, I was pretty crushed. I don’t handle failure well, and moped for at least a month afterward. Once I snapped out of my funk, I renewed my efforts and dedicated more time to ‘The Beast’. I also purchased your additional products, the flashcards and OMCES. These were a lifesaver. They are much more in line with how I study and retain information. I like to read the information a time or two, but beyond that, my dedication to reading long blocks of text wanes, and my absorbtion of information drops dramatically. Flashcards and test-like situations help my retention far more effectively. I am happy to report that I retested as soon as I could, and passed. I cannot express my thanks enough. One more form (and a check) for the Board, and I will get my certificate. Much appreciation.”
– Anthony Dottore, Los Angeles, California
“Hi David, I just wanted to send you a note and thank you for all your hard work in your prep material. I just received my letter this week that I passed, first try! I encouraged my co-worker to start studying with me and she signed up for OMCES. She had failed the oral once and then had a baby and was finding it hard to get motivated to study. I made her sign up for the exam the same day as me, March 31st and she passed as well! We would both do OMCES at night as the exam grew closer. We were competing almost on our scores and if I got a text she was doing a test exam I was sure to log on that night and get one done as well. It was a fun journey for both of us. Great work … two happy girls!
– Jennifer Walton, Newport Beach, California
“Loved all the help throughout the process! Finally passed all the exams including the CSE! Couldn’t have done it without the study guides and Podcasts :)”
– Dana Tsui, San Diego, California
“David,Thanks for your assistance. I passed the CSE back in June, taking it the first time. I believe with the focus and materials you provided, it allowed me to successfully prepare. Thanks again!”
– Chip Schaffer, Phoenix, Arizona
“Thank you David, I took the CSE yesterday morning and I passed. The first time I took the CSE was the last of the orals format. The next test I took transitioned into the multiple test format. I enjoyed and give credit to your material and online practice test as the key to helping study in an organized method. Thank you again. I would recommend to anyone that your system of preparing for the CSE is well worth the cost.”
– Pedro Jaramillo, Los Angeles, California
“Dear David, I just wanted to say thank you! I passed the CSE yesterday and used only your material to study. It’s an awesome resource and I think the study schedule and the online tests / project scenarios were what kept me on track and ready for how the test would go.”
– Mia Galang, San Francisco, California
“David,I’m exhausted and about to drop dead on my face…but I just wanted to let you know that I took the CSE exam today and…. passed. Thank you sooooooo very much for all your help, advice and extention of OMCES If it wasn’t for your study material, I wouldn’t have known where to start.Once again, thank you very much!”
– Ewa Opasinski, Los Angeles, California
“Dear David; First of all I would like to thank you for all the efforts you have put forth to create your course. Unlike another course I took, yours enjoyed the CCCC (Clear, Concise, Correct, and Complete). It is very hard to study for an exam when you have many information and resources to go through. My focus was thrown all over the place and everywhere. Your course helped and aided me in focusing on the exam, like I never had a chance before. It also played a great role in my self esteem. This combination resulted in passing the exam the moment I fished the course. I would like to thank you for your efforts to have put together a great course and program. Again thanks, you have truly have done much better than anyone. I took a course before your course and I got nothing out of it. Yours is perfect, keep us the good work. I can’t thank you enough, for helping me passing the exam after failing it three times by a hair line or a 1-5 percent under the passing score.”
– Mustafa Bdaiwi, Brooklyn, New York
Dear David, I recently past the CSE. Thank you for your material. I could not have done so without your program.Thank you!
– Kristopher Maddox, Santee, California
“Hi David, I am happy to report that I passed the CSE yesterday! Thanks for all your help!”
– Robert Ahern, Hawaii
“Hi David,I just wanted to let you know that I recently took the CSE and passed. Thanks for the free advice, podcasts and information. Also, thanks for putting together the practice exams. They were well worth the money spent.”
– Leigh Wilkins, California
Hi David, I am happy to report that I passed. I couldn’t have done it without you. Thank you!
– Allison Greenheck, Los Angeles, California
“Hi David,I just wanted to write a note that I passed the CSE today. Many, many thanks for your help in my achieving this milestone….I couldn’t have done it without your information…..this is the second time I had taken the test, the last being in ’07 when I did very poorly….but….I passed and that is all that counts….thanks again for all your hard work in helping us candidates do well on the exam…..I really do appreciate it. Thanks again!”
– John McDonald, Rancho Cucamonga, California
“Dave,The journey has finally ended!! Passed the CSE this morning and your study materials are Big reason why. I now understand why I’ve failed twice. You material is incredibly helpful.Thanks for all of the help!”
– Gregory Bryant, Camarillo, California
“David,Thank you for your efforts in put together the Whole Enchilada! I passed my exam last Dec. 11 2012 and literally only used your package to study from. I must say I worked in an architectural firm in California for 17 years so there may have been some memory benefits due to that experience. My goal was to become licensed in one of the most difficult states before I turned 51 and I have successfully accomplished this. I studied regularly in the evenings and weekends for 10-12 weeks.Again thanks!”
– Marion LaRue, Surrey, British Columbia
“Hi David – I passed the test this morning! I’m SO RELIEVED. Thanks so much for all the great materials that you’ve developed –they were super useful as I prepared for the test. I am so happy!!!!”
– Becca Cavell, Portland, Oregon
“David – My brother… I passed!!!! Took the test today. First attempt.The test is HARD. Your materials were invaluable. I thank you from the bottom of my heart; Worth every penny I spent.This is a great moment, man. 28 years of toil in the trenches of the AEC industry. Something I’ve dreamed of accomplishing since I was 17 years old.Thanks again.”
– Dave Sanders, Capistrano Beach, California
“Hello David, I passed my CSE yesterday using your study material only, it’s true that this might not be enough for a fresh out of college candidate, but it worked perfectly for me, and honestly I wonder how could I have been able to study all the material referenced, without your material. The thing that I liked the most in your material is that it was concise and at the right size, and your 12 weeks plan is just perfect for this exam. Having the Knowledge Statements sorted as you did in your study material and listening several times to your audio companion simply anchored them in my mind, this said some of the material I never encountered during my professional experience and had to rely on your input, and it worked.”
– Terry Saikali, Santa Monica, CA
“Happy New Year David! Thank you for all the help and guidance that I received from your CSE prep and materials. I passed the exam this year and I attribute much of my success to your teaching. Of course I did my part as well.”
– Maureen Haines AIA, Woodland Hills, CA
“Hi David,I recently sat for the CSE and passed thanks to you and your distilled resources. I will continue to promote the CSEprep resources to friends and colleagues.”
– Keith Conrad Blaine, Aptos, CA
“Thank you David Doucette! I wanted to send you a most grateful thanks for your great course. I just took the exam after using your study materials and your 12-week program…and I passed. I searched high and low for a comprehensive study program, and yours was the only one I found. I thought it was so helpful that you broke down the information into bite-sized, manageable portions, with a 12-week step-by-step system for how to learn the material. Your OMCES material was great as well. I am not exaggerating when I say that I could not pass this exam without your test prep. And, I feel like I actually learned valuable information (not just to pass the test), that will help me in my profession. Thank you so much.”
– Michelle Huber, San Francisco, CA
“David, you must get this a lot- but I passed!!! I’m so grateful! I only used you whole enchilada as a study guide. Seriously, I am very thankful to have had a personal tutorial on the CSE exam via my car stereo. Thanks again!”
– Kelly Manning, San Francisco, CA
“David, I just wanted to send you an email to let you know that with your help and the help of all of your materials I PASSED the CSE on my first attempt. Thank you so much for everything, I could not have done this without your amazing resources as well as your responsiveness to comments and The OMCES really prepared me for the test format and the combination of reading your study guide while listening to the audio really cemented the information in my head. Thanks again David!”
– Michael Djajich, Los Angeles, CA
“Hi David, I passed the CSE on Friday (slam dunk, first try!) and wanted to extend my gratitude to you for all of your study materials. The Ultimate Whole Enchilada was the foundation of my prep work and certainly a big reason for my success. I appreciate the time you continue to put in towards helping many of us get licensed in CA and wish you the best in your practice. Onward to stamp some drawings!”
– Ben Willis, Erie, PA
“Dear David, I just wanted to let you know that I Passed today on Friday the 13th!! I have to say that when I stopped studying and took the omces tests and that really helped me to read the questions better and understand what they are really asking for. Thank you so much!”
– Assieh Jafarian, Mill Valley, CA
“David, thank you for putting together this set of resource materials. Your guide has been complete and concise, and the multiple choice questions in the online exam simulator made the actual exam seem familiar. Because of your efforts in compiling this information, I am now the newest licensed architect in California.”
– Kevin J. Lazarowski, Scottsdale, Arizona
“Hey David, I just thought I would write and let you know that I passed the CSE today on the first try.Your materials were incredibly helpful, especially the MP3 files. Listening to the material and not just reading it really helped me internalize the knowledge statements. I’ll be sure to recommend your site to my colleagues.”
– David Armour, San Francisco, California
“I highly recommend purchasing the ultimate whole enchilada. The audios were uber portable for the gym and commuting to work. The study materials were easy to digest and I liked the hyperlinks for more information. This cost of this package is an investment in passage of the CSE and will build test taking confidence.”
– Michele Shirakura, Elk Grove, California
“Thank you, David, for putting together this study material & seminar. I just passed my exam today on my first try. And as icing on top, I get the ‘instant result’ feature that started just today! I used only the material provided as part of the Whole Enchilada and took the seminar. Between a full time job and a toddler to run after, I really don’t have much time to study. I don’t think I would have been able to take the exam at all if it weren’t for CSE prep. So thanks again, David!”
– Patricia Tjandrawinata, Pleasanton, California
“Hey David, Just wanted to say thank you for creating your study material, I received my CSE pass letter Saturday and outgoing in the mail today is my Application for my California License! Just wanted to say thanks again! Keep up the good work, I’ve recommended your material to all my former USC arch. school classmates going through the process right now.”
– William Denkinger, West Hollywood, California
“David, you will be blessed for prepping this material!!!! I passed thanks to your effort in prepping and distilling this stuff for all of us. Many thanks…. Going to have a big glass of wine for u. “
– Jelena Bajkovic, New York, New York
“Just a note to all that David Doucette’s Study Guide, and specially On Line Exam Simulator, etc. etc. is “The” Material” to purchase in order to pass the CSE. This guy is a natural teacher! I took a pilot webinar type program with him, and would like to tell all, he is a blessing for our community! I passed the last darn exam and am waiting for my License. Thanks Dave! Couldn’t have done it without you!”
– Al Majlessi, Los Angeles, California
“David, I just wanted to let you know that I took and passed the CSE last Monday in San Francisco. Thanks for you excellent study materials. It was a tough exam, and I spent a lot of time preparing for it, but used only your materials to do so. Best wishes!”
– Martin Sell, Beaver Dam, Wisconsin
9″David, Your study materials are the best available. Thanks for filling this much needed void. I passed the exam this past Monday.”
– Keith Weibrecht, California
“David, I just passed the exam and had to say thank you! You have another satisfied and grateful customer! I was confident going in but it was harder than I expected. I was shaking the whole time but I think the last hour was because it was freezing in the test center. Sunday I leave for vacation. It will be a great celebration! “
– Jill Chambers, California
“I (finally) passed the CSE today! Thank you for all your support, guidance and wonderful study material, podcasts and encouraging words…all of us are beyond fortunate to have someone like you who is so dedicated to helping people pass this tough, tough exam. i’m still in disbelief and trying to let it all sink in… “
– arch722, ARE Forum
“Hi David, I’d like to Thank you for giving me a chance to carry out what seemed to be a dream and make it a reality. I passed the CSE and could not have done without your seminar, the ‘whole enchiladas’ and the ‘omces’ and of course all your supports. Thank you… Thank you… Thank you.. and I would definitely recommend your exam materials to anyone who is taking it…”
– Sue Mulia, Danville, California
“Hi David – I tested on December 3rd and just received my passing notice yesterday. I moved away from California in 2005, and without your study guides I would have been completely lost in regards to all the various regulatory requirements that appear on the exam. The guide was concise and to the point, and extremely helpful especially when paired with the podcasts and online sample exams. Just wanted to say thanks!”
– Ana Arnn, Brooklyn, New York
“Even as a licensed architect in Arizona for nearly 30 years, the prospect of taking the CSE seemed daunting. David’s seminar greatly aided in organizing and understanding the myriad of challenges involved in the California entitlement process. Six months of studying coupled with David’s seminar and study materials facilitated my passing the exam on my first attempt. I highly recommend David’s seminar to everyone.”
– Gerald J Gagnepain, Scottsdale, Arizona
“Hi David – I just received my pass letter on the CSE I would like to thank you for the material that you have put together it was tremendously useful and a big reason for my success! I passed on the first attempt and the main reason is David’s study method, I started with that and got the bones of my study plan in order. The audio was a great help for me due to time constraints and work schedule. I did towards the end use other material as well but again it was only an enhancement to what I had already started. Thank you David and to those colleagues who may have the slightest hesitation in purchasing the material DON’T! Best of luck to all….”
– Hormoz Ziaebrahimi
“David: I want to extend my deepest gratitude to you for your help in studying for and taking the CSE. I am happy to let you know that because of your study materials, I have passed the CSE on the first try. I am confident that I would have not passed without the concise and educational format that you have prepared in your study materials.Please feel that you had a direct hand in helping me achieve this most important goal. I hope that we will keep in touch, and if you need anything from me please feel free to get a hold of me. Thank You.”
– Edward SantaCruz
“David, Thanks for helping me through the CSE exam. After a few attempts I actually passed the CSE and I am now awaiting the license. A minor miracle! I believe what made a difference for me with your study program from all the other study programs available for the exam was the personal contact I felt with you, first through our emails and secondly by way of the Podcasts. You brought a down to earth feeling about the material making it comprehensible and relevant. The items in your study material highlighted the essential body of knowledge which one needs to know for the exam. That you are able to select this information out of such a large volume of reference material is quite impressive. The on-line exam is an excellent training and practice tool which allows one to accurately process the exam questions based on the knowledge from the study information. But again, overall, what made me feel confident during the exam was having had the opportunity to get to know you. The direct communication with and from you was the tipping point! Thanks!”
– Rod Blouin, Associate AIA, San Rafael, Alabama
“David! I passed my CSE. Thanks for everything! Your exam simulacrum was worth every penny.”
– Michael Tom, Milpitas, California
“Hi David, Just wanted to let you know that I passed the CSE! Third time is the charm, I guess. I want to thank you for your guidance given at the seminar that I had taken from you and your study guide that helped me to stay on track with the 55 knowlege statements req. by the CAB – (easy to loose sight of ). I then purchased the audio guide (listened to this for almost a year – on and off while running, gym time, or sitting in the back yard). Studied the pertinent material CAB recommends & what they are asking of me in the 55 knowledge statements. Purchased the test simulator 30 days out and went through all of the tests a couple of times and scored high. – All of this gave me the confidence needed to get in there and give it my best shot – again. I passed! Thanks so much!”
– Stanley Anderson, Hermosa Beach, California
“Hi David: I am just about to tell you that I AM THE LICENSED ARCHITECT!!!! I got the “congratulations”letter this month! 7 years fighting with your great great help(seminar + simulator + prompt answering my questions), you are definitely the person I want to thank you in my life. Your job & your passion did make an impact to many people including me! Never enough to say thank you & thank you.”
– John Wang, Milpitas, California
“Hi David, I took the exam and just received word that I passed. Thank you for providing very useful information for studying for the test. Even though the ‘Ultimate Whole Enchilada’ doesn’t provide the exact answers for the test (which would be impossible), it provides the foundation for the critical thinking needed to answer the questions. It is this foundation that your mind sifts through to distill down to the right answer during the exam. It was very helpful to have each knowledge statement organized and explained in detail. It would have been time consuming and frustrating to try and research and organize so much information from so many resources. Your product does this and let’s us focus on what’s relevant for the test.”
– Shawn Sasse, San Francisco, California
“Third time was a charm. My study material consisted of David’s LA seminar, the online simulator, cseprep podcast, and pass x flash cards. David you do a wonderful job in getting candidates to focus their studying without getting into the “minutia!” Words can not describe what a great asset you have become to the architectural community. I appreciate that you continue to improve you material and provide a great forum for feedback and communication with podcast. I recommend to all cse candidates.”
– Joseph, San Diego, CA
“David – Thanks again for assembling such an excellent set of study material for the CSE. The Enchilada was my compass while navigating through the test plan and I wish it existed before my first [failed] attempt. The tools you have made available truly allow candidates to see the forest through the trees. Your support in the days leading up to the exam and the congratulations you shared with me after my pass letter arrived will not be forgotten.”
– Brian P., Cambridge, Massachusetts
“Hi David- I recieved my letter from CAB this past weekend that I had passed the exam. I am a registered architect in other jurisdictions and this was a reciprocity situation. I had not passed the first time as I used someone elses study material that did not properly prepare me for how the exam was set up. I wanted to let you know that I was much more comfortable the 2nd time after using your study materials. Thanks for taking the time to produce those study materials. Having the audio was also very helpful as it allowed me to continually study while handling other tasks.”
– Richard Lavelle, Burnsville, Minnesota
“David’s CD/ audio are great, a very easy and convenient way to listen to it in the car! Thank’s to David’s simple study guide I pass the CSE exam, after failing 3x previously!”
– George George
“Hi David – I just wanted to let you know that I passed the exam. Thanks so much for a great study guide. Yours was the only one I used and I passed on the first try. Thank you!”
– Jenifer Weskalnies
Great thanks to Dave’s study material that helped me to pass CSE at first try!
– Henryk M. AIA
“Hi David – Just wanted to drop you a note that I received my results yesterday. I passed thanks to your study material!!! Thanks for your dedication and hard work so that new candidates have a chance and help navigating the massive CSE test material.”
– Chris Anderson
“Hi David – You can add my name to your growing list of CSE candidates that with your help have successfully passed the supplemental boards. I received the long awaited letter from the state that I can add California as my fourth state as a licensed Architect. I am sending in my fees today and await the final step to be assigned a license number. Thanks for your great work to give a helpful and comprehensive structure to the large amount of law and regulation that are unique to the successful practice of architecture in the state of California. I would recommend your program to the young professionals fresh out of the battery of the ARE’s or older professionals like myself who are adding the state by reciprocity. Please know that your professionalism and good work to summarize and distill the large amount of information and material is greatly appreciated.”
– Paul Rupp
“David Doucette’s Whole Enchilada played a big part in helping me pass the California Supplemental Exam first time. A valuable resource for both preparation for the exam and for practice after passing. A MUST HAVE! Many thanks David”
– Mark Williams, Newport Beach, CA
“David Doucette’s ‘Whole Enchilada’ was an invaluable study aid in my preparation for the CSE. The audio files were particularly helpful, providing a succinct framework to organize my studies, and a thorough overview of the exam contents. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!”
– Christine Newpower
“OMG I can’t believe it. I passed. Just got my result today in the mail…was totally freaked out when opening the CAB envelope. I am in disbelief as I write. The letter was dated June 1, 2011, and it arrived here (Oakland) today, June 4. As for what I studied: I read what people wrote on the forum, met up with a study group, reviewed PASSFLASH cards, read Archie Woo’s succinct reader, and attended David Doucette’s seminar in the Bay Area in Feb. It was helpful to attend the day-long Doucette seminar and worth the price, since he is a good teacher and has so much knowledge of the CSE/process. Check out his podcast and website as well.”
-Esther Tse
“I bought your CSE Study Guide and Audio Companion in April ahead of taking the computer based CSE exam in March. Your study material was great. I had very limited time to study so your study guide really helped me to focus on the key points. Also, I drove from CO to CA to take the exam so I had a final few hours in the car that I really benefited from the audio companion. I highly recommend your study materials to anyone preparing for the CSE. I just received notification a few weeks ago that I passed the exam!”
– Gregg Behmer
“I recieved a letter of Congratulations from CAB this week. I took the computer based written exam April 27, so it took about 6 weeks to get the results. Thank you David for assemblying the study materials, they were very helpful and a great value as I see it. Best of success to you and other candidates for the CSE.”
– Scott
“Hi David – I while back I purchased your “whole enchilada” study guide, and took the CSE in March. I just got the letter last week that I passed. I just want to thank you for putting together such an informative, easy to understand and complete study guide. After taking 11 tests over 7 years, I am soon to be an officially registered architect. Thank you for helping me through the final push to achieve that goal.”
– Alex Solbes
“David, I am writing this email to you with extreme excitement and gratefulness. I passed the oral!!! I can’t believe I could make it without your teaching and help. Thank you so much! Your class and study material were very valuable. I still remember the first time I went to your class, I was so nervous and clueless. The method you taught us to prepare for the exam was just right. I will say your class worth every penny! Thank you for helping me accomplish my dream and I wish you and your family all the best!!”
– Song Tong, Irvine, CA
“David – your seminar and mock exam were great preparation tools for me. They helped me understand the format of the exam, the content to focus on, and introduced me to a group of people that became excellent study partners. I’m happy to say that I passed!”
– Kristen C. James, Lakewood, CA
“I wanted to take a moment to extol the virtues of David’s CSE prep seminar. Having once failed the exam, I was looking for that edge I did not feel like I would possess without outside intervention. David’s method differs from others in that he dissects the Knowledge Statements, teaching participants how to identify the information and then keying automatic response ideas to these topics. Further, rather than giving practice questions and answers to practice, David only provided the questions, leaving the student to learn as he/she found out the answers. This method reinforced the topic identification process. Although the exam itself was still quite challenging, I was able to discern the intent of the question and quickly formulate an applicable response, recalling the outline format that David provided. Additionally, David teaches a methodology for formulating and pacing responses to which the panelists really responded. My passing score is directly attributable to David’s diligent instruction. “
– Andrew Fastman, Los Angeles, CA
“David, the program you developed was just what I needed to get focused for the exam. The real key was the Mock Exam Panels. These really gave the practice necessary to prepare mentally for my presentation,as well as highlighting areas for additional study. With this program I was able to take the exam withgreater confidence and pass. Thank you.”
– Steven Shofner, Santa Maria, CA
“David provides a very engaging, well-run seminar. His focus on answering practice questions out loud through mock panels was extremely helpful. David does a terrific job of evaluating each participants responses, commenting on what’s working well and clearly identifying areas for improvement. The multi-day format helped to gauge individual progress and to guide areas of study to focus on in the interim. The amount of knowledge required for taking the CSE is overwhelming to say the least. The succinct study guide David provides along with the seminar does an excellent job of organizing the staggering volume of information laid out in the CSE test plan, and makes the process of studying a lot more manageable. Both the seminar and the study guide helped me a great deal in preparing for the exam. They gave me the confidence I needed on exam day to relax, focus on the intent of the questions, and pass on my first attempt. I would enthusiastically recommend his seminar to anyone preparing for the CSE.”
– Dave Intner, Ventura, CA
David, Wanted to let you know that I passed the CSE. HUGE thanks to you. I am convinced that I did so in great part as a result of the study guidance you provided, but more importantly the oral presentation techniques you drilled intous. Your seminars were worth every penny.
– Michael Poloukhine, Pacific Palisades, CA
“I attended David Doucette’s CSE workshop to prepare for my exam in May. I passed the exam and here are some of the reasons why I think the workshop was helpful:
1. His workbook gives you the simple and essential knowledge which saves you time researching for the material.
2. The questions in the workbook are similar in spirit to those in the actual test.
3. I got 2 weekends of classes and mock panels.
4. He gives useful directions in delivering your oral answers.
5. He provides necessary critique to your oral answers so that you know how to improve yourself.
I recommend his workshop if you are willing to commit to study and use his workshop to hone in your skills. David is a pretty nice guy and tell his students what they need to know.”
– Alan Ho, Pasadena, CA
“I took David’s webinar in August to prepare for my September exam. Before the webinar, I was skeptical about the effectiveness of this remote learning method via phone and webcam, but decided to give it a try since I was living in New York City at the time and didn’t have any study buddies. After the first session, I felt so empowered by the test taking tips and became a lot more confident about the test. David doesn’t spoon feed you test materials that you can learn by yourself, but instead share with you tips on how to effectively study and confidently present test materials when asked by the comissioners. I also met another test taker from the webinar and started to study together with him via phones and emails.I later traveled to CA a week before my exam to take David’s mock exam panel where I was able to experience for myself being in the “hot seat” and also observe the do’s And don’ts from the other participants in the mock panels. With David’s seminar, mock panel, and studying 20+ hours weekly for 5 weeks, I was able to pass on the first try with less than 5 years of praticing experience. I highly recommend David’s webinar and mock panel because they really make you become more confident about the CSE, which lead to better studying and test taking experiences with less stress and more chance of success.”
-Vivian Ngo, New York City, NY
“I had taken the CSE a few times– I knew my stuff but I just couldn’t get over the hump. Then I took David’s webinar, and I passed! I appreciate the concise manner in which David took us through the material, but more important for me was his easy going demeanor– he made us feel comfortable listening to the questions, and he made us feel comfortable answering questions- this is key. It is not enough to just know the stuff, you need to know how to listen and how to respond– David’s method and advice emphasizes this and he allows one to view the exam as less of an intimidating experience than it actually is. Thank you David, you were instrumental in my passing result.”
– Robert Champagne, Hong Kong
“Whether you are an in-state or out-of-state candidate preparing for the California Supplemental Examination, David’s unique web-based seminar approach provides a comprehensive, accurate and convenient means of preparing for this exam. The study guide follows the California Architects Board Test Plan, clearly and concisely explaining what each knowledge area is asking the candidate to master. David’s review session gives candidates the opportunity to ask questions and clarify their understanding of the key issues. The mock panels are an excellent simulation of the test conditions, where the candidate must be prepared to answer questions out loud. David provides insightful critiques and tips to help the candidate organize their answers and present in a clear, and concise manner. I highly recommend David’s webinar and study materials to any candidate preparing for the CSE.”
– Hilary Robie, LEED AP, Detroit, MI
“When I first began to study for the California Oral, I struggled for months just trying to figure out how to attack this test. This was compounded by the fact that I had significantly less experience, at three years, than most of the other test takers. It wasn’t until I took David’s seminars that I truly understood what and where the important information was. However, the most important asset that I got from David’s seminars was the ability to deliver the information confidently and with the technique that is necessary for the exam. Thank you David for all of your help. It is possible that I could have done this without you, but it would have been a great deal more difficult and substantially more daunting.”
-Joe Spierer, Los Angeles, CA
“Having failed the CSE once before, David provided the keys to unlocking the mystery of the exam. His system which includes mock oral exams are very helpful. Answering questions out loud, and getting a chance to hear others answers mock questions along with David’s comments and critique helped me identify the areas I needed to improve. I passed the CSE exam with David and his tools and would highly recommend taking his seminar and mock exam.”
– Rick Birman, San Diego, CA
“I found out that the testimonials for Reside’s CSE seminar were spot on. Davids’ comprehensive study guide and exam mock panels were exactly what I needed to refine my oral skills and gain solid confidence. I’m one of the older candidates and Davids seminar certainly taught this dog some new tricks. Thanks David !”
– Steven Richard, Apple Valley, CA
“The CSE is a big fat old grizzly bear of a task. It may be tired and past it’s best days but it’s bigger than you and still more dangerous than it first appears. If you’re looking for a prudent strategy for dealing with this beast, try this seminar. No single source can give you everything you need to pass this exam. If you’re looking for perspective, a way to get your arms around it, this is a great place to start. You will still need to do the work, but this will really help you to define the scope of the problem. That’s really what it’s all about, isn’t it? It worked for me.”
-Don Barry, Detroit, MI
“David’s seminar and mock panel helped me to pass the CSE at my first try. David not only summarizes a broad range of materials covered in the exam, but also teaches candidates the exam strategies. These strategies helped me to sort out my thoughts and expressed myself in a more organized way which is the key for oral exam. The mock questions give everyone opportunities to practice and to learn from other people. This really helps to understand the level required to pass CSE. I highly recommend David’s seminar and mock panel.”
-Xiang Liu, Los Angeles, CA
“I had less than one month to prepare for the CSE and didn’t have access to a study group or partner. David’s webinar not only gave me the opportunity to practice orally and discuss questions/topics with him and other participants, but it also provided me with an online study group. David has the most up-to-date and applicable study materials, which are crucial for the new 2009 test plan. His insight and advice for each individual was very helpful, especially since this exam is nothing like the ARE.I would definitely recommend David’s seminars to anyone preparing for the CSE- it was my first try, and I passed!”
– Lauren Moss, Aliso Viejo, CA
“I took David’s seminar and Mock Oral in preparation for my second attempt at the CSE. Along with a lot of studying and preparation, David’s seminar approach had a huge deal to do with my passing of the CSE (1/09). The seminar helped to organize and concisely summarize the wide range of material that’s covered in the exam. And possibly more important than that at the end of the seminar I was able to answer ambiguous questions in a thoughtful, concise, and confident manner. I felt the latter to be the key to my passing the exam this time around. I highly recommend David’s seminar.”
– Mariah Young, Santa Monica, CA
“David’s Webminar and Studay Guide really helped me a lot! I studied only the Study Guide during the last 4 weeks before the exam. The Guide is concise, and to the point. I didn’t have to fumble through all 10,000 pieces of information I piled together myself any more. David’s Webminar was also very helpful. I used all the answering techniques during the exam, helped myself organizing my thoughts and highlighted the key points commisioners need to pay attention to. I highly recommend David’s seminar, and mock panel. Thanks David!”
– Fan Guo, Los Angeles, CA
“The mock oral exams are very helpful. I gained a lot of confidence by attending the mock oral exam. Answering the questions out loud through mock exam was extremely helpful. Also getting a chance to hear everyone else answer the questions reduced my fear and hesitation. David’s comments and critique helped me identify the areas of improvement. I passed my CSE exam the first time. I would highly recommend attending the mock exam.”
– Monisha Adnani, Santa Barbara, CA
“I recommend David’s seminar and Mock Oral exam. The use of his guide really helped me to dig into the test plan and understand the knowledge and ability statements. This was further reinforced by the mock questions, together with his insightful critique and comments and helped enable me to pass the CSE the first time.”
– Andrew Galambos, Los Angeles, CA
“David’s webinar was definitely one of the big reasons why I passed the November CSE. His manual and his guidance helped me to focus my limited time on the most important skills and topics. He also taught me how to understand the anatomy of the questions, the kind of information that the panelists were looking for, and how to organize that information in a way that would keep me from blathering on like an idiot. David was very professional, and he went the extra mile to answer my follow-up questions in detail. The webinar format was convenient, and the semi-private setting was effective. I would definitely recommend David’s classes to anyone preparing for orals.”
– Mara Baum, Berkeley, CA
“I recommend David’s CSE webinar for anyone trying to pass the oral exam and is overwhelmed by the amount of material you’re expected to know. David has a good handle on what is REALLY necessary. I worked hard on the material for about month and that was enough to pass.”
– Chris Anderson, Montecito, CA
“David’s straight-forward, methodical approach was a breath of fresh air. His advice helped me organize my thinking, which is no doubt why I passed the orals on my first try. Other seminars I’d taken were so broad and vague as to be virtually useless, whereas David provided focus and confidence that I didnt find elsewhere. I recommend him to anyone looking to improve the effectiveness of their studies, and subsequently improve their chances of passing the exam.”
– Diane Rogers, Albany, CA
“David’s webinar and study guide were the two most important tools for my exam preparation. I spent one month going through the study guide repeatedly, using it as the base for my studies. And the information from the webinar on how to approach the exam helped more than I ever could have imagined. I am absoultely convinved that I would not have passed the exam on my first try had I not taken David’s class. It was worth every penny. Thanks David!”
– Steven Platt, Palm Desert, CA
“His seminar works for me. It is very concise and precious.”
– Kin Lee, Los Angeles, CA
“The webinar and mock panel helped me develop a direct, concise approach to answering the exam questions. I enjoyed working with the group – it’s beneficial to listen to others respond to the questions.”
-Walter Schacht, Seattle, WA
“David’s strategies really worked on my exam!! I am so glad that I took his seminar.”
– Ken Nekui, Los Angeles, CA
“Hi David, Just wanted to share the news that I just passed my CSE! Your format and study materials were essential in organizing what I needed to learn and review, I spent a few weeks completely overwhelmed by random notes and tips from colleagues before discovering your study material. I had also purchased a few other guides that were more frustrating than useful, so I feel like I have a fair perspective. I announced the news to all my friends and have already recommended your materials to others, I know one friend immediately purchased your ‘whole enchilada’. Thanks for the good work.”
– Monica Plata
“Hi David, VERY HAPPY to share that I passed the exam today. It has been a very long process for me, and, determined to pass it did an online search and found you. Didn’t think twice and purchased the Ultimate Whole Enchilada. Best decision ever. Two months of VERY HARD studying but it is all over now. Thank you again for putting together such great material.”
– Luis Murillo, Manhattan Beach, California
“David, thank you for your study materials. I passed exam yesterday! I realized during the exam how much I have learned and in particular, how I became more careful when reading questions. I now know how I made wrong choices in the previous exam. All the best!”
– Uma Poskovic, Los Angeles, California
“David, thanks for putting together the whole enchilada package, I just took and passed the CSE this morning and the study materials you have put together helped fill in the gaps between schooling, experience and the ARE’s. I not only passed the exam, but gained a better understanding of what it takes to be an architect in California as well. I would definitely recommend the your materials in the future. Thanks again!”
– William Thompson, Orange, California
“Hi David,I’d like to thank you again for creating an outstanding wealth of study material for the CSE. Knowing that I could find everything I needed from one concise source was really helpful and allowed me to concentrate on the material without wondering if I should be looking somewhere else. The OMCES in particular was an awesome preparation tool, particularly in the last few days. Without sharing too much, I have to say that the way your questions were prepared was similar in many ways to what came up in the exam. They taught me, through trial and error, how to analyze the question first, and figure out what the question really is getting at before I dive into the list of possible answers. The audio companion quickly became my daily study… well… companion. Like a good, complex movie, each consecutive listen allowed me to hone in on new information. Each time I listened, I was able to pick up on some new details and nuances that I had previously missed. The repetition, repetition, repetition that you so often praise was key to understanding the vast array of knowledge packed into the study guide.
The CSE Prep Forum was a good source for more in depth information, and knowing that there is a community of poor souls out there that are struggling with this at the same time was comforting. I had the good luck to also have a great study group that met (almost) weekly, but this community was there 24/7 and I knew that they would understand the level of work and dedication that this exam requires. I’m really relieved to be able to put this whole intense experience behind me, but I definitely would recommend your material to anybody getting started with the CSE. It is a great roadmap that can take any candidate from the early discovery stages to being 100% ready to sit for the exam. Thanks again!”
– Noemie Hansen, San Francisco, California
“Thanks again David, I took the exam today and passed!!Could not have done it without your amazing study materials!It has been a long road and I am so incredibly happy to have completed this goal!”
– Amanda Behnke, San Diego, California
“Hi David, just passed today. Thanks for your help!!! Good stuff though the test was still a bitch. Thanks again.”
– John Simones, Redondo Beach, California
“Hi David,I took and passed the CSE today in Carson. Just wanted to thank you, like so many others already have, for the study material. I finished all 7 AREs and the CSE while working within 4 years of graduating from SCI Arc. The work experience and study material you provided were why I passed this test on the first try. I’m very thankful!”
– Stuart Lord, Los Angeles, California
“Hi David! Just wanted to let you know. I took in last Monday.I really appreciate all of your help and materials.”
– Jason Harm, Los Angeles, California
“David,I passed today! Thanks for the great body of study materials and thanks again for the motivation and caring. I wish you all the best in all your work.”
– Candace Vanderhoff, San Diego, California
“Hi David,I just want to let you know I passed the CSE last week, first try, using the Ultimate Whole Enchilada.With a wife, four kids and working 50-60 hours a week, I’ve been plucking away at the ARE for about seven years and finally took the plunge and passed the CSE with your help. What a relief.A little advice for the kids out there, get it done while your young! It just gets harder to do the longer you wait.They printed out my results as soon as I was done with a nice big PASSED on it. Yahoo!Thanks again for the great study material! Well worth the price of admission.”
– Richard Jaeger, Riverside, California
“David, a heart felt thanks for your help and comprehensive study aids! Was a bit traumatized by CSE October experience but this time the test was much more straightforward.
Good luck with your work. You had the most reliable, well thought out, and useful material that I came across.Thanks again!”
– Heidi Vincent, San Francisco, California
“Dear David, I have been meaning to write to you……I took my CSE test on Feb 5th and I PASSED!!! I want to thank you so much for all your help. I relied heavily on your material for studying. I really liked all the links you have provided, which was very convenient. Once again thank you for all your help.”
– Beny Jain, Fremont, California
“Hi David-I tested Mondayand passed!Many, many thanks to you and yourprograms!”
– Steve Shackelton, Encinata, California
“Hi Dave, I passed the CSE on the first try! I’ve been a practicing architect for about 10 years and I must say that using your study material made the difference. Originally when I reviewed Your Ultimate Whole Enchilada I thought I would need to spend a good amount of time camped out in my office reading through the material and studying the flash cards. This approach was what I used when studying for the ARE years ago.
I thought that the Audio Companion would be a secondary studying resource that would complement the reading but to my pleasant surprise, I ended up using it exclusively in the first phase of my study plan. When I started to listen to your knowledge statements I realized that the way you presented the material captured my interest, keeping it direct and informative while sprinkling in some fun statements made it much more interesting rather than someone just droning through the content. I wasn’t in an incredible rush to pass the test so I started about 6 months prior to my study date. On my way to and from work (which is about an hour each way) I listened to the Audio Companion. I did this for about 3 or 4 months about 3 or 4 days a week in my car. Not only did I find the content extremely interesting (I’m a coastal outdoorsy guy like yourself) but found the information very easy to remember because I had a genuine interest in learning more about the great State of California.
Once I was able to recite every word and understand every concept fully I switched over to OMCES. I was impressed to see how well the online testing program functioned. For about 2 months I took the OMCES every other night completing one or two tests each night, I continued to listen to the Audio Companion as usual in my car. Combining these two resources allowed me to easily score mid to high 90’s on OMCES.
Dave, thank you again for making this experience enjoyable and helping me enrich my knowledge further about California. I would highly recommend this study guide to anyone who is serious about passing this exam the first try.”
– Stephen Franey, RA, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
“David,Good News. I passed the CSE today. Without your support, it should never have happened to me. Now I have Japanese architect license, Arizona license & California license. Trust your study materials and “repetition & repetition” are the key like you always say.
Thank you very much and “arigato gozaimashita.”
– Toshi Uzawa
“David -I just wanted to drop you a note to let you know that I passed the CSE a couple weeks ago and am now officially licensed! Thank you so much for all of the effort that you put in to your seminars, study guide, audio companion, practice tests, and more – all of the components together were indispensible in giving me the confidence I needed going into the exam. I’ve highly recommended your study materials to many of my friends and co-workers who are currently in the process of finishing up their ARE’s, so expect to see a few more orders rolling in over the next few months. Thanks!”
– Ryan Whitacre
“Just add me to your growing list of success stories. ;)Thank you greatly for all of your help in the process. Your method and materials were extremely helpful in walking me through the vast information that we are responsible for, and especially in helping us think through the test structure. The OMCES system was a great confidence builder, and you are right in stating that the actual CSE material is considerably more difficult and demanding and confusing, which you prepared me for. But nonetheless I was able to go into the exam with a cautious optimism, better able to read through the ambiguities and difficulties, and successfully complete in the amount of time allotted.Again, David, I really do appreciate what you offer and attribute a great deal of my success on the test to your system.”
– Steve Schloeder, Phoenix, Arizona
“David! Just writing to thank you for your CSE Program. I passed (first try! whew!), and I’m putting my license to work here in Palm Springs. Wow, the CSE test was nothing short of hard (and, truth be known, I actually LOVE taking tests…..I know that sounds “sick”, but it really is true). Anyway, I couldn’t have passed without your help. CAB is lucky to have you out there teaching all this information to folks like me. It’s important stuff, and your teaching materials get the big ideas across.Anyway, David, thanks, again. Contact me, if you ever need a referral. I’m a fan of your whole process!”
– Robin Abrahams, Palm Springs, California
“Hi David,I wanted to let you know that I took the CSE exam yesterday morning for the first time and passed! I had a good experience with the whole process overall and learned a lot of stuff. Your material (Enchilada) really covers and organizes well what we need to know for this exam. I think that I listened to the audiotape while reading the guide book about 5 times. The OMCES were very useful to put me in the grove of the exam. I scored 100% on some of them! I have a little over 20 years experience and I am licensed in Quebec but worked in California for 15 years. I postponed this daunting task all that time. I am now done… thanks to your material this was a smooth process!Thank you David!”
– Lise Barriere
“David,I passed my exam back in December. THANKS! Wouldn’t have done it without you. The CSE Study Guide is a 1-stop shop for all the information needed to prepare and pass the CSE!”
– Eric Hastings, New Haven, Connecticut
“Hello David,I want to share the great news that I passed the California Supplemental Exam January 5 with the help of your study material and preparation support. This was my first time taking the CSE having five years of professional experience; two years graduate school and two and a half years teaching architecture. Thank you David for your ongoing commitment, organization and engagement with preparing candidates for the California Supplemental Exam. I passed and your work facilitated this.”
– Victoria McReynolds, Lubbock, Texas
“Hey David,I wanted to thank you for your help in studying for the CSE. I finally took the exam yesterday and passed! It was my first try at it. Again, thank you very much for your help.”
– Armen Kazanchyan
“Hi David, I wanted to let you know I passed my CSE this week and want to thank you for all that you do to help those of us trying to get over this last hurdle. I used your podcasts extensively as well as the online multiple choice exam simulator. Each are excellent tools for bringing focus to the large array of material laid out by the knowledge statements.My goal was to pass the test by the time I turned 50 and I only missed it by a couple of days. I now have two things to celebrate this week.Thanks again for all your help.”
– Vince Hoss, Keene, California
“Hi David,I Just passed the CSE todayand wanted to thank you for for all your help.
I never would of been able to pass without your study guide.I am glad to se a BAC alum is having such an impact in the field of architecture.”
– Stephen Sousa, Boston, Massachusetts
“Hey David!Just wanted to let you know that I passed the CSE yesterday morning, I’m so happy and so relieved!!! It was psychologically brutal and way harder than I thought it would be, so without your flashcards and Omces and webcasts I could not have done it, THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!:) Thank you so much for all you do for us candidates!!!”
– Lucas Goettsche, Berkeley, California
“Hi David,I just wanted to take a minute and let you know that I took the CA Exam back in September (for the first time) and passed. Your study material was all that I used – the Omces was especially helpful.Thanks for everything – I wish you continued success.”
– Paul Sirek, Loiusville, Kentucky
“Hi David – Thanks for putting the Ultimate Whole Enchilada together! There really doesn’t seem to be much else out there so this is incredibly valuablematerial.One of the best moments of my life. And by the way, I PASSED!Thanks for helping!”
– Amy Newborn
“ Hi David,I just want to say thanks for your help in preparing me for the CSE. I just took the exam yesterday and PASSED! I received your ultimate study package as a gift for Christmas and studied non-stop between then and New Years. The audio was extremely helpful. I felt very confident going into the exam. You were right – repetition, repetition. Once I get my license in the mail I may be the youngest Architect in CA at 23!Many Thanks!”
– Rosannah Sandoval, San Francisco, California
“Passed my test this week, thanks in MAJOR part to you and your study materials! This is the first time I have spent $300+ on an item and still felt compelled to thank the person who sold it to me! LMAO! Thank you!”
– Mark Grexton, Sacramento, California
“David,I took the exam today & PASSED! Thanks for all your help. I’m a California architect so that’s what counts. Thanks again for the seminars & the whole enchilada!”
– Randy Yerzyk, Irvine, California
“Hello David,I took and passed the CSE (first attempt) on Wednesday. The study materials you prepared were instrumental in successfully readying me for the exam. I studied diligently for 50 hours over the past two weeks and that was sufficient. Thank you!”
– Mark Budzinski, Santa Ana, California
“Hi David, I passed the exam 9/7. Your study guide and sample questions were very useful for giving direction to my research. AND, I appreciate your advice to “schedule an exam date”. That generated a sense of importance that let me stay focused (or at least ramped up my focus)for the 7 weeks I gave myself.”
– Dave Barkelew, Los Angeles, California
“David,I took the CSE yesterday morning, and passed! Thank you for your high quality study material. It really helped me to focus in on the test plan and knowledge statements. I had taken this exam twice before under the old format and although I studied all the relevant topics and documents I didn’t follow the knowledge statements carefully. I really appreciated your podcast as well. Beside the fact that it’s a smart marketing move for your business it reminded me that I’m an aural learner. So I used your audio companion as a lecture series and took notes while listening. Thank you so much for helping me to pass and move past this challenge!”
– Matthew Baker, Los Angeles, California
“Hello David:I am thrilled to inform you that I passed the CSE yesterday and my application to CAB is in the mail today. Without hesitation, I have to credit your study materials, for putting all my eggs in your basket, preparing me sufficiently to get me through the CSE challenge to become a registered architect. I am one of those who did put the exam off for many, many years due to career and family. After having tried study materials from two other vendors, I found your format of study guide, together with your approach to understanding the intent underlying each test question, an excellent match for how and what I needed to learn. You are my recommended one-stop for study guide materials. I would like to thank you again for your well designed study tools that has enabled me to attain professional registration.”
– Roger Hay, Lafayette, California
“Hi David,I took the test and passed it a couple weeks ago. It was very difficult. I took about 2 extra weeks to study when I heard the fail rates were so high. Every question was a challenge. The first part, the project scenario, was tough as far as timing was concerned. I was finished about an hour early on the second part but I usually finished the ARE`s early too.Your study material really made the difference in helping me pass this exam. It was great to have such varied information and sources all gathered up in one package. I bought “the whole enchilada” and it worked for me.Thanks again and keep up the good work.”
– Damien Hannigan, San Francisco, California
“Hi David,Took your seminar at the end of September, I was the short guy who sat at the very back closest to the door.Completed the exam today and thanks to your help, I passed. Its really just persistence, and like you said, having the right mentality when taking the exam. I still work full-time, do my regular chores, see my girlfriend often, and still do my hobbies. Still made a few sacrifices however to allocate time to study, and it works out.I studied for 5 months, when I saw you at the seminar I’ve been studying for 2 ~ 3 months already at that point. Listened to your knowledge statements on my commute to and from work, and sometimes at work while working at the same time. Until yesterday night, I’ve listened to your entire knowledge statement as well as the aia document commentaries 5+ times. It boils down to simply putting your head down to study and spend as much time as you possibly can without loosing your life. Balance is so important, just so that your mind is in a better state when you’re taking the exam.I would like to express my deepest gratitude for you in putting together such an awesome study materials. I know you’ve probably heard this many many times, but I couldn’t have done it without you.I’ll spread the word about your study material to my friends and colleagues as it helped me tremendously in passing. Thank you for everything. Take care.”
– Ian Witarsa, Arcadia, California